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Independent Help and Advice for Radio Broadcasters

Here at ABC we offer independent help and advice for radio broadcasters large or small. We sell consultancy know-how, not kit – so you know our advice is independent.  We are equally happy helping radio broadcasting novices as advising experienced professionals.

Our Promise
We promise that we shall do our best to understand your situation, tailor advice to suit your needs and always consider your best interests

  • radio coverage predictions / maps / plots
  • broadcast engineering consultancy
  • licence application reviews
  • small scale DAB advice
  • station policies & procedures
  • station imaging
  • budgets, revenue and marketing
  • and much more.  Please take a browse round the website to find out more.

Are you thinking of starting a community radio station?  Then you have come to the right place because Associated Broadcast Consultants are specialists in Community Radio. You might want to check-out our famous (and free) “Dummies Guide” to Community Radio.

Remember Associated Broadcast Consultants are independent because we do not sell equipment – we are unencumbered by sales commissions.  Our mission is to provide radio broadcasters like you with the best advice, tailored to your needs and budget.

Associated Broadcast Consultants – Independent help and advice for Radio Broadcasters

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