
Radio Tools

Here are some radio tools you might find useful.  We hope over time to build-up some useful radio tools in this section of the website.  Let us know if you have any requests or suggestions!  You can share these radio tools with others using the social network buttons top and bottom.

Community Radio Station Map – Does what it says on the tin!

FM Frequency Viewer map – Lets you see all GB transmitters on a given frequency

Lat-Long Finder – Find an accurate Latitude & Longitude for any location on earth

Path Profile Viewer – This is a point and click way to help understand if a digital STL (Studio to Transmitter Link) might work for you.  It indicates the terrain between your studio and your transmitter site.  What’s more it knows the technical specs of Ubiquiti link products and can calculate what throughput you could expect over your link.  Naturally use it with caution and bear in mind it does not know about real-world obstructions like trees, buildings, pylons combine harvesters etc!

Population Viewer - use this in conjunction with a radio coverage prediction to discover the population of your coverage area!

Terrain Viewer - bear with us – this is a terrific terrain viewer that let you see the view from any hilltop anywhere.  You can exaggerate contours to identify what you want.  A really useful way to identify potential transmission sites.  We can help you with quantifying the coverage.

Introduction to Audacity.  This is an excellent free audio editing software.  This document guides you through the whole process to use it to produce professional-sounding audio productions.



Associated Broadcast Consultants - Independent help and advice for Radio Broadcasters