Associated Broadcast Consultants services

Associated Broadcast Consultants’ fundamental promise is that we are independent. We can be independent because we sell know-how, not kit – therefore our advice is independent.   You can be assured we shall do our best to understand your situation, tailor advice to suit your needs and help get you started. If we have a personal or financial interest in any of our recommendations we will always tell you.

Associated Broadcast Consultants have experience and can provide advice on all aspects of setting-up and running a successful radio station.  Please take a look below or around our website to see how we can help you further.

  • Our Licence Application Review Service is a cost-effective and popular way to ensure you maximise your chances of success with Ofcom
  • Our Coverage Study delivers an in-depth analysis of the coverage options for your area, typically running to 20-30 pages.  We propose transmission sites and look at any that you propose, compare and advise on the best options.
  • E-consultancy – we minimise costs by providing remote consultancy services by email and phone.
  • Community Radio Training – cost-effective training tailored to your needs

Associated Broadcast Consultants - Independent help and advice for Radio Broadcasters