Policies & Procedures

Let’s face it, it probably isn’t the most interesting part of setting-up a radio station. You probably want to get-on with more interesting things like buying equipment, sorting out your programming or practicing your presentation style. It is especially important for Community Radio stations – managing volunteers without the benefit of contracts of employment can be quite challenging – so some policies and procedures help.

Policies and Procedures is an area which is overlooked at your peril. We suggest as soon as you start forming an organisation with a group of people it is worth having some policies and procedures for several reasons:-

  • The mere existence of a set of policies and procedures shows that you are organised. This is important to grants-giving bodies who have a duty to ensure money they give goes to well constituted organisations and will get spent wisely
  • People are people. No matter how well you get on, it would be unusual if occasionally people did not get wound-up or had their feathers ruffled. When this happens, it is nice to have established, agreed policies and procedures to fall back upon. (“Sorry Fred, it’s not that I think you were wrong, but it’s against the station policy..”)
  • It is always best to write these kinds of documents ahead of when you need them. For example it would be difficult to write a balanced grievance policy after a grievance has been raised

For these reasons Associated Broadcast Consultants has prepared a standard pack of policies and procedures that most community radio stations will need. They are designed to be amended as you wish to suit your station, but even if you only change the basic details such as inserting station name etc then they give you a good platform to start your organisation. Please be aware these are template documents only – you retain ownership for what the final documents actually say. The policies and procedures pack is supplied as a Microsoft Word document. It runs to 13 pages including the following template documents:-

    • Protection of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
    • Finance and Property
    • Complaints
    • Grievance
    • Disciplinary
    • Website & Email
    • Volunteer
    • Presenter Agreement

Community Radio Policies & Procedures starter pack – Only £75


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Associated Broadcast Consultants – Independent help and advice for Radio Broadcasters