Dummies Guide to CR Community Radio and RSL Restricted Service Licences

If you are new to the subject, then we hope you will find this useful. It is written from Associated Broadcast Consultants’ direct experience of many community radio broadcasts. We can’t provide all the answers here, but we do aim to point out the main aspects you need to be aware of, and some guidance on the best approach (in our experience). Naturally this advice is provided free of charge in good faith, and only you can choose whether or not to follow this advice.
There is a long list of quite diverse stuff that needs to happen. Please don’t be daunted by this – it does not have to be done all at once, and if some areas are unfamiliar to you then try and find someone with experience of that kind of thing. Many hands make light work.

To find out more, simply expand each section below by clicking on the blue link text. (if it does not work, please contact us and we’ll fix it fast!)

If you like this free Dummies Guide it would be jolly nice if you could “Like” us on Facebook using this button. ?We will not spam you, honest!

CR vs RSL – What’s the difference? …About Ofcom FM broadcast licences…

Organisation …Organisational structures for community radio…

Costs …How much does community radio cost?…

Licence Application …Applying to Ofcom for your licence…

Delivery …Getting organised…

Technical …Some important technical details…

Revenue …Revenue opportunities for community radio…

Finance …Managing your finances…

Station Sound, Programming and Imaging …Controlling your station identity…

Studio Manager …Station management…

Community Liaison and Volunteers …Don’t forget your community!…

Marketing and Promotion …Some marketing ideas…

We hope the above information is useful for you. Really it is only scraping the surface of what you need to know. As with all free information provided on this site, please use it at your own risk.

If you like this free Dummies Guide it would be jolly nice if you could “Like” us on Facebook using this button.  We will not spam you, honest!

Contact Associated Broadcast Consultants to talk about how we can help you.

Associated Broadcast Consultants – Independent help and advice for Radio Broadcasters